Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sleep is for losers!.... ?

This weekend has been one heck of a weekend for ASL skill development. I've gotten contracted on several over night jobs and haven't been getting a lot of sleep, which always affords me opportunities for new observations of myself.

First off, my ASL is best when I like the D/deaf client I'm working for. This may seem obvious, but isn't. When I get along with the client (somewhat), that makes me what to do the best ASL I got so that they understand. If the D/deaf client begins treating me like crap, that's when I need to consider getting off the job because I begin not wanting to provide clear communication.

1. Haven't gotten the materials for the house yet, but I have been reviewing and editing what is next.
-Repair hole(s) on roof
-coat roof twice
-get windows and door
-cover all holes on the walls
-remove old wood floor
-begin building frame

The only question I have right now is; should I build the frame after I've built the sub-floor or before? I'll have to figure that out before I begin building.

I also need to know when electrical wires and outlets are often installed.

2. Already talked about my ASL skill development.

3. I can definitely see how less sleep makes me less motivated to play/practice the piano. When I'm low on sleep, it seems as though my brain begins eliminating things that are necessary for my survival and starts thinking more and more about sleep.
Lesson?: Get enough sleep.

4. I had to learn the hard way that I need to have at least one book waiting for me in the library, or else I'll get behind on my schedule like I did this past weekend. I finished "Think Like a Freak" and on that same day ordered my next two books. This obviously will keep me from reading for a few days.

What have I done to fix this? Order 3 books at a time. when I'm at the middle of my second book, order another.

The book I got recently is called "The Head Trip: Adventures on the Wheel of Consciousness" by Jeff Warren. The description on goodreads sounded interesting so I snatched it. We shall see what it's like :)

5. I have to start this section off by saying, if you haven't discovered Mr. Money Mustache already, you need to check it out here. Although the site description says "Retirement through Badassity" (great name), that's not what it's all about. MMM talks about many topics pertaining to finances. 


I read an article of his this morning and realized that my playing with the stock market is like gambling and I should I feel the need to continue, I shouldn't invest a ton of money. I have $100 of my money invested in it now and I won't exceed $100. If I earn money while doing it, I can withdraw that portion and keep the $100 in. If I lose it, oh well. It's $100 I can afford to lose.

In any case, he pointed his readers to something called Betterment. Betterment is another investing site/app that does automatic portfolio balancing and assessment, leading to more long term success.


MMM has himself invested in $100,000 and says it's been working really well so far. I'll read more about it to see what it's about before making my move. 

The basics is that they'll take your money and invest it in Vanguard Index funds which are notoriously low cost/fee index funds (which is what you want!). The only difference between them and Vanguard is that Betterment will rebalance your portfolio whereas Vanguard will just ride the S&P 500 waves to success; Betterment attempts to avoid the pitfalls, and does pretty well!

I also wanted to mention that MMM has also invest in peer-to-peer lending like yours truly and has reported good returns in over a year and a half. He claims upwards of 7% on his returns, which is great! His is more of an experiment and I can't wait to start mine.

6. I was finally able to have some knowledgeable in electricity explain to me the differences between amperes, volts and watts. They explained it to me basically in the way that I understood them; amperes is like volume, voltage would be pressure, and watts is a measure of the amount of energy flowing, which is measured in joules. The person also informed me that it's "not the watts that'll kill a person, it's the amperes"-- good to know! I'll soon move onto how an electrical system is built; outlets, switches, breakers, etc.

7. The development of speed as a characteristic is going well, although I need to stay on top of the books coming in and out of my possession so I don't have to wait so long for the next book to become available for me to read.


-how do electrical systems work
-get to practicing piano for 1hr. each day
-consider next characteristic for practice
-stay on top of the books that come into my possession

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