Hello there!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love introducing new people to my ideas :)
Years ago I embarked on quite a spiritual journey that led me to the conviction that wealth is created through knowledge, that's why I have this Tree of Knowledge as my introductory photo. I think it's a great symbol; learn, and you will grow beautiful creations in your life.
I'll be using this blog as a kind of online-journal. I've been encouraged many times to put my ideas and experiences down on paper (or virtual paper) as they contain nuggets of valuable insight.
At any one time I work on several projects at once. For example, the current projects I'm working on now (in order of importance):
1. Building a Tiny House. I'm actually building this with my partner and I hope you stumble upon it one day :) the one in the photo is not ours, but it gives you an idea of what we're doing. 

2. Honing my American Sign Language skills. I work as a pre-certified ASL Interpreter, so improving these skills means more $$ and happier clients
3. Learning to play the piano. I've always wanted to learn to play an instrument, well. So, here's my chance!
4. Book reviews. I read about a book or two a week, and I'd thought I'd journal them down in a blog to keep track. You can keep track with me if you want.
5. Attempting to trade stock/build financial wealth. I know that as I'm young, I can afford to take more risks with my money. That's the sage advice I hear/read often, so I'll put it to use (finally). I'll keep track of my progress here.
6. Learning a new topic. I read the other day that the famous physicist Richard Feynman was known to carry a notebook around and notate things he didn't know, so that he could study them in depth later. Once he had the notebook filled, he'd claim he had a notebook full of gold. Currently, I'm studying electricity.
7. Character building. I like the idea that anyone can change any aspect of their personality if they so choose. I have specific characteristics in mind that I'd like to have, but don't yet. We'll see how long it takes me to get there.
Anyways, that's what I have so far. I'll add or subtract to my 7 topics as time goes on. Which takes me to answering the post title, "What is Wealth"?
Wealth is difficult to define. The reason for this is it's so subjective: many people see it in different ways.
A common way of defining wealth is; a collection of valuable or important materials, characteristics, skills, money, etc.
I like to think of wealth as a culmination of financial, mental, and physical freedom. What would that look like for me?
1. Enough money to retire (if I wanted to).
2. Ability to learn as many skills as I can over the entire span of my life.
3. In good health (low BMI, athletic, not sick often, etc.).
So, how does one become wealthy? We shall see!
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